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VectorVest introduces new Model Portfolio for US Market. Canadian market down 0.38% for the week.

by Stan Heller, Consultant, VectorVest Canada

VectorVest introduced a new model portfolio in the US market In Friday’s Special Presentation after optimizing the Midas Touch – RAL search. Two minor tweaks to the search criteria made a significant improvement in a year-by-year comparison over a 5-year test period. Just look below at the equity curve over a beginning June 2, 2010.

June 5 Midas Touch 2

Tomorrow’s Webinar. Please join me tomorrow, Monday, June 8 at 12:30 p.m. ET for our weekly SOTW Q&A webinar. We’ll discuss the changes in the Midas Touch – RAL search from last week and why it made such a positive difference to RAL’s trading system. ONLY IN THE US EH? Although the new search has been added to the Canada database, my initial testing shows the same trading system does not work very well in Canada. However, I’ll show you tomorrow one subscriber’s Midas Touch Search and Trading System that does match the performance of the new US trading system.

Click here to join me if you haven’t already registered:

June 5 Color GuardThe price of the VVC/CA fell slightly for the second week as our Canadian market continued its mostly sideways trend. The TSX and Canadian Venture exchanges were down an identical 0.38% on the week.

As noted during my Wednesday CA Colour Guard Video,, Canadian company Davids Tea (DTEA) debuted on the NASDAQ Exchange Friday, opening at $19 and closing at $27, a 42% gain. I expect VectorVest to begin tracking DTEA next week.


Top 10 5-Day Price Gainers. While now is not a good time to add stocks to your portfolio, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t continue to study and have our shopping list ready for when we have a favourable market timing signal. Many good opportunities can be found by studying the top VST stocks; fastest moving industries and capped indices; the week’s New Buys. This week, the Top 10 Price Gainers reveals some rising stocks from good chart bases.

Notice that the Industry Group Drug Biomedical dominates the top 10 list. Another Industry Group that’s on the rise is Auto & Truck Replacement Parts.
June 5 top gainers

June 5 CF

DISCLAIMER. As always, the information presented is for educational purposes only. It must never be considered in any way as specific investment advice. Everyone’s financial situation, risk tolerance, and investing style is different.




5 thoughts on “VectorVest introduces new Model Portfolio for US Market. Canadian market down 0.38% for the week.

  1. Thx for your continued efforts at helping us become informed and successful investors with VV. Thx Stan

    1. Hi Colin, VectorVest does not forecast interest rates. In the Climate section of the VIEWS every Friday, VectorVest reports the week-to-week levels of 90-Day T-Bills, 10 Year T-Notes and Corporate Bonds rates. It ranks the interest rates on a scale of 0-2, above one being favourable for the stock market. Currently interest rates are rising, as indicated by the average value of the above three interest rate indicators.

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