Just a quick reminder that our regular weekly SOTW Q&A webinar will be held Tuesday, Sept. 15 at 12:30 p.m. We’re trying out the Tuesday slot for the next few weeks to avoid conflicts with U.S. webcasts. This week’s topic, Bottom Fishing For Short Term Profits, is timely as our MTI (Market Timing Indicator) and BSR (Buy/Sell Ratio) in the US and Canada remain at historically significant low levels. If you haven’t already registered, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Futures at www.finviz.com are up Sunday evening, but check them again in the morning and make sure the market opens higher before stepping in for some bottom fishing.
What’s your favourite bottom fishing strategy? We’ve got a number of terrific searches in our UniSearch folder for Bottom Fishing. Which one is your favourite? What’s been working well lately? Here’s a market timing graph showing historical benchmarks where the MTI crossed below 0.60 and the BSR broke below 0.20.
Stan Heller, Consultant
VectorVest Canada