Judging by the great turnout and questions during our regular Monday webinar, the Midas Touch Challenge is generating a great deal of excitement within our VectorVest Community. And with good reason! You could win one of three outstanding cash prizes: $2,500, $1,500 or $750. You’ll learn more about the Midas Touch high momentum stocks, where to find the WatchList of Midas Touch Stocks and how to BackTest your ideas for making money buying and selling Midas Touch Stocks. Lastly, we all win when the winners are declared in three weeks. We get to see the Searches that won the prize money and the trading plans that created the best scores. Not necessarily the best returns, but the best overall score. Which means low Maximum Drawdown (the Maalox factor) and a high percent of winning trades.
VIDEO RECORDING. Below is the link to the recording of today’s webinar. You’ll see step-by-step how we created and modified a search within the contest rules and how we set-up and ran a BackTest. All of your questions about the contest and more were answered. Here is the link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/719067774534717186
Contest Rules. We had a lot of great questions today about the contest rules, how we can modify a Midas Touch search and how to set up our BackTests. Many of you asked for my slides which answers these questions in some detail. So, here the are below in PDF format. I hope you find this useful, and have FUN testing trying to beat the Midas Touch Challenge! NOTE: If you wish to enlarge the view, hover your mouse near the top right of the document and select the magnifying glass beside circle #1. If you want to pop the PDF article out into a larger document that you can also save, click on the page icon next to circle #2.
[embeddoc url=”https://vectorvestfr.azurewebsites.net/cablog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/JAN-26-2015-Midas-Touch-Challenge.pdf” viewer=”google”]