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Markham UG’s Business Plan for a Retired Couple

Submitted By Phil Thomas, User Group Leader
Toronto-Markham VectorVest User Group

Editors Note: The templates and information contained in the following article are outstanding. As always, the stocks identified are not recommendations. Investors must always do their own research and homework and come up with a plan that suits their own investment goals, risk tolerance, time horizon and other factors.

Phil's page instructionsNote: There are two separate documents in this Blog. The first is a Word Document which sets out the business plan for a retired couple. You can SCROLL through pages using your mouse or the Page Down Menu as shown by #1 at right.

You can also ENLARGE by clicking on the icon at right (balloon #2). The second document is an excel spreadsheet with two tabs: 1. Cash Flow 2. Dividend Income.

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One thought on “Markham UG’s Business Plan for a Retired Couple

  1. Hi Phil,

    Great presentation and thanks for sharing. I am currently cruising in the Caribbean with only my iPad and limited data. I can’t wait to study it in detail!!!


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