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How To Find And Analyze ETF By Sector and Industry

VectorVest analyzes ETF Industries just as we do stocks. During Friday’s Strategy of the Week video, Todd Shaffer, Manager of Research, presented a few hot tips on how to use these tools to trade ETFs. I hope you’ll watch the video and then join Todd for our weekly SOTW Q&A Monday at 1:00 p.m. ET. Below is the link to register for Monday’s webinar:

Monday 1:00 ET SOTW Q&A:


Stan Heller, Consultant VectorVest Canada
November 23, 2014
VectorVest Canada Investment Blog:

2 thoughts on “How To Find And Analyze ETF By Sector and Industry

  1. Thanks to Todd, he always provide very clear and precise explanation. It is always a pleasure to hear to Todd speak. He and Cathy O’Nan are very great speakers and presenters.

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